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Commodore PET Labels

This is a collection of labels and bezels from the various PET/CBM computers. Most of these pictures originally came from ebay or the web and have been cropped as required.

Original PETs come in several flavours. There are the original "high profile" (HP) units and the later "low profile" (LP) units. The HP models could have a label or a plastic bezel. The plastic bezel models seem to be designed to allow two floppy drives to be mounted.

New PETs come in a stylishly rounded case with swivel monitor and detached keyboard ("SK"). The cases were originally designed for the CBM-II line.

In North America Commodore used the PET name, but had to change it to CBM for the European market.

If you have pictures of any PET labels not shown here, please send them to me so I can update this page! Thanks!

PER = Personal Electronic Transactor
cbm = lowercase
TP = Teachers' PET
SP = SuperPET
MMF = SuperPET (Europe)
X = None
P = Personal Computer
R = Professional Computer
C = Computer
X = None
LL = Low Label
HL = High Label
HB = High Bezel
P = Plate
L = Colour Logo
B = Blue Lettering
G = Gold Lettering
V = Silver Lettering
S = Series

Original Commodore PET Labels

1 6500 MDS - High Bezel Microcomputer Development System.
2 2001 - Personal Electronic Transactor High Bezel 2001 series. Unusual 2-column format. Now we know what "PET" means. Uncommon.
3 2001 - Personal Electronic Transactor High Label 2001 series. Unusual 2-column format. Now we know what "PET" means. Uncommon.
4 2001 - Personal Electronic Transactor Low Label 2001 series. Unusual 2-column format. Now we know what "PET" means. Uncommon.
5 2001 PET personal computer High Label Blue background. Commodore logo inside box. Early model 2001's.
6 2001 PET personal computer High Label 2001 Series. Gold lettering. This is the normal 3-column format most labels adhere to.
7 2001 PET personal computer High Bezel 2001 Series. Blue Commodore logo. Gold lettering.
8 2001 PET personal computer High Bezel 2001 Series. Silver lettering.
9 2001 PET professional computer High Bezel 2001 Series. Standard white lettering.
10 2001 PET personal computer High Label 2001 Series in Blue, Blue and Red Commodore logo
11 2001 PET professional computer Low Label 2001 Series.
12 2001 CBM professional computer High Bezel 2001 Series. PET changed to CBM for European models.
13 2001 None professional computer High Bezel 2001 Series.
14 2001 TEACHERS' PET professional computer High Bezel 2001 Series on left. Donated by Commodore in centre. The Teacher's PET was a promotion for schools. Very Rare.
15 2001 TEACHERS' PET professional computer High Label as above. Unusual format.
16 3008 CBM computer High Bezel Model 3008. The 3000 series are re-badged 2001 machines.
17 3016 cbm computer High Label 3001 Series, with model# on the right. Lowercase 'cbm'.
18 3016 NONE professional computer High Bezel 3016 series. Unusual...No CBM here! What happened to 3001 series?
19 3032 cbm computer High Label Lowercase 'cbm'. 3001 Series. 3032.
20 3032 CBM computer High Bezel Using standard format.
21 3032 NONE professional computer High Bezel 3032 series. Unusual...No CBM here! What happened to 3001 series?
22 4008 CBM computer High Bezel Model 4008.
23 4016 CBM - Low Label Model 4016. CBM all alone.
24 4016 CBM computer High Bezel Model 4016
25 4016 PET computer High Bezel Model 4016
26 4016 PET computer Low Label Model 4016
27 4032 CBM - Low Label CBM all alone. Model 4032 on right.
28 4032 PET computer High Bezel Model 4032
29 4032 PET computer Low Label Model 4032
30 8032 CBM - Low Label CBM all alone. Model 8032 on right.
31 8032 CBM computer High Bezel Model 8032
32 8032 CBM- computer Low Label Model 8032
33 8032 CBM - Low Badge With separate metal badges. Commodore on the left, and "CBM" with Model# on the right.
33b 8032 CBM - Low Badge Model 8032. Here is the model# badge from above.
34 8096 CBM - Low Label CBM all alone. Model 8096 on right.
35 8096 CBM8096 computer Low Label Unusually large model#. No "series" marking.
36 8096 CBM computer Low Label Model 8032.
37 9000 MMF9000 computer Low Label MMF9000. European SuperPET... It's HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!
38 9000 SuperPET computer Low Label SP9000. SuperPET. Odd proportions between upper and lowercase lettering.
39 9000 SuperPET computer High Bezel Model SP9000. As seen in Marketing materials. Unknown if machines were released with this bezel. More normal proportions.

New Commodore PET-SK Labels

1 8032-SK The SK models were updated with the CBM-II casing. The labels fit over the space where the dual drive units would go. This one-column format consists of a plastic insert with metal plate mounted on top.
2 8096-SK -
3 8296 These brown bezels have the white area printed on, which seems to yellow easily.
4 8296 These brown bezels have the white area printed on, which seems to yellow easily.
5 200 An 8296 in disguise.
6 220 The 200 series are really 8296 machines. The 220 has the drives as shown. Since the drives are installed, the label is actually mounted above the opening.
7 8296D Top of the line 8296 with internal 8250LP disk drives.
8 8296D But with no drives... hmmmmm.
9 PET200 Another 8296 in disguise.
10 PET600 Likely an 8096.

Re-Badged Labels

1 Coherent Medical Division.
2 Compu*tech.
3 Rohde and Schwarz re-badge with internal drive.
4 MSE - Cool Orange 2001-series PET.
5 Eventide SPECPET - Realtime Spectrum Analyzer.
6 Comserv 1000
7 Probat Progres
8 SIMRAD XE202 Fish Finding Echo Sounder Simulation


Thanks to the following people who have contributed labels: Giacomo Vernoni, Andreas Unverdorben


petlabels.zip All labels in bitmap format (jpg) (might not be entirely up to date).
petvectors.zipSelected labels recreated as SVG format - CBM4032LP,CBM8032LP

If you wish to see specific PET/CBM labels converted to vector for printing please contact me.


Date Created: ?. Last updated: Mar 31/2019, 9:00pm EST

Send comments or feedback to Steve Gray(sjgray@rogers.com)